Sharif University of Technology has signed a memorandum of understanding in 1999 with L’instiut National Polytechnique de GRENOBLE (INPG) and has agreed to extend their scientific and academic collaboration to facilitate exchanges of students, teachers and researchers from their institutions.
This collaboration is initiated in Electrical Engineering and Electronics and may subsequently spread to other specialties. Both the parties plan is to develop joint research projects.
The students at the International campus of Sharif University of Technology can now apply to this Joint Degree Program if they meet the criteria and requirements of this program.
For more information about L’instiut National Polytechnique de GRENOBLE (INPG) (including the educational programs, professors, and area of specialization, campus life, etc) please refer to its official website: http://www.grenoble-inp.fr/
Memorandum of Understanding between I’Ecole Nationale Superieure d’Arts et Metiers (ENSAM) and Sharif University of Technology concerning Master of Science Double Degree Program